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  • Writer's pictureElif Derya Dilek

Venetsa Cave and School day.

Updated: Nov 27, 2022


Have a nice day. Today we went to the Venetsa cave. There were truly legendary things. Let me give you some information about the Venetsa cave. Are you ready?😂

One needs very comfortable shoes, no fear of dark and claustrophobically narrow spaces, in order to enter this one, but mostly you will need the full potential of your imagination. Welcome to the magic of the fantastic Venetsa ( The Wreath) cave, situated deep in the heart of the Balkan Range. It can be found near the village of Oreshets in the North-West segment of the mountain, not far away from the Belogradchik Rocks. It was discovered back in 1973 on the spot of a stone quarry, but was unveiled for visitors barely in 2015, after its full research, mapping and equipping with special rails, stairs etc. The colorful LED lighting brings life and magic into the glory of the cave, revealing it all to the tourist, astonished by its beauty. 5 huge halls have been revealed so far and the overall length of the corridors is some 300 m. ‘Corals, crystals, stalactones, stalagmites, stalactites – it has it all! To say nothing of the semi-precious onyx stone that forms a large number of the formations inside. Each hall is different!’guide Bori Borisov says with enthusiasm upon welcoming the next group at the entrance.

However, the curious tourist mustpin through a very narrow opening, in order to enter this underground kingdom and the stairs and railings are slippery due to the nearly 90% humidity. However, the view inside is worth the efforts. One knows that somehow he or she is below the surface of the earth, but the feeling is like watching a National Geographic production on the creation of the Universe, or a Hollywood movie for aliens. One formation resembles a huge poisonous jelly-fish, floating in the air with a fine Buddhist temple as its background. The dark blue feature of a Mother Mary praying can be spotted nearby. Its silhouette slowly sinks into the darkness before emerging again, this time lit up in gold light. Anyone sees whatever his or her imagination pictures in the semidarkness of the cave. At the same time the formations have their official names, such as ‘the pelican’s head’, ‘the night lamp’, ‘the tulip’ ‘God’s hand’ etc.

Then we went to the Primary School "Academician Mikhail Dimitrov", Chuprene Village.

We played this game with the students. Energizer: On the dance floor

The purpose of this energizer is to get to know each other and at the same time have fun while moving. It will include 10-20 people and its duration will be 10 minutes. The whole group will form a circle and each will introduce themselves by saying their name and doing a dance move (turning, pirouette, jumping, etc.). The second after the first repeats his friend's name and gesture, followed by his name and gesture. Repeat this until everyone has finished their introduction.

Short game: Resizing the tower

The aim of this game is to create a warm and entertaining environment and to stimulate group work. This game can last up to 15 min. The participants will be divided into groups of max 5-6 people. On the table, we will place a plastic cup and on top of it a paper, again another glass and a paper creating in this way a "tower". The task of each group is to pull the paper so the plastic cups will be one inside the other. If the tower collapses, they will have to rebuild it until the game is done properly. Each group has no more than 3 minutes. The group that manages to place all the cups on top of the other the fastest wins.

Do you know why children are beautiful? Their laughter is incalculable. their anger does not hold grudges. Their love is real. Children do what we cannot do. They behave as they come. Man is most human when he is a child. 💖

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